7 Tips To Maintain A Clean And Hygienic House


well maintained and clean home

A messy and disorganized home always feels overwhelmed. Sometimes it is the little things that grant themselves a sparkling abode. If you’re tired of spending weekends cleaning, only to find on Monday that your home looks like you did nothing, here’s help. Cleaning your house is a chore, and unfortunately, it takes a lot of your valuable time. Fortunately, we have sorted out the following 7 tips that will help keep your house tidy.


1. Make Your Bed

Some people have the thought that making the bed is a waste of time, but it really makes a big difference in how tidy the room looks and it only takes a couple of minutes. It is the most visible place in the bedroom, a small effort in making the bed creates a big difference. To make things facile, simplify your bedding as much as possible. If tucking in sheets is difficult for you, then switch to a duvet with a removable cover that you can lander easily.

2. Empty the Dishwasher Every Morning

dish washing for a clean house

Emptying the dishwasher keeping a clean house easier because dirty dishes won’t have to rest on your counter for a longer duration. If you’ve ever timed yourself doing this, you know it only takes a few minutes. Do it while you are making the morning coffee, or while you wait for the family to get ready for breakfast.

3. Clean Up Every Time You Cook

Dirty countertops attract more bacteria and make your kitchen smell terrible. Additionally, since you already cleaned your dishwasher, you can instantly load dishes after meals or snacks and then wipe your kitchen. Considering a house cleaning Dubai will also help you by saving more time. Additionally, you don’t have to move everything, put any food away, then spray and clean around the surface.

4. Do a Load of Laundry Regularly

A daily laundry habit could make your life easier and give you a healthy lifestyle. Pop a load in before going to the office. Or, if your washing machine comes with a timer, set it to run right before you come back home. Move the damp clothes to the dryer after dinner, then fold them when you get free at night. Also, putting away one load of laundry hardly takes a few minutes of yours. 

5. Wipe Sinks and Drainage

Toothpaste splatters and body hairs in the washroom sink look disgusting over time. Always have a container of disinfecting wipes under your sink, so they will be within your reach. Gently wipe the whole sink basin before you get ready for the office. You can also consider hiring a housekeeping service in Dubai, to avoid any damages that can be caused when you perform the cleaning.

6. Filter and Recycle Paper Regularly

Letters, bills, store flyers, catalogs, newspapers, and school papers arrive almost every day. Moreover, keeping them aside leads to a pile taking over the space in your house gradually. And, then we look at that stack and feel too burdensome to deal with it, so the pile continues to grow. The best way to handle the mail daily is to create a shredder in a space that is accessible, this makes the handling of junk mail easier. On the other hand, Put bills in a sorter where you can grab them on payday, and toss the flyers into your waste bin. 

7. Use Doormats


The less dirt tracked indoors, the less often you’ll need to mop the floor. Keep doormats in every single exterior door to avoid your house from getting dirty. Also, perform a vacuum or clean up the outside at regular intervals. If you have extra mats outside the door, leading from your entry hallway, that will trap even more dirt.

Contact Service Master the best cleaning company in Dubai who provides the best cleaning services in Dubai with highly professional and experienced maids.

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